99 Floral Hill Drive Washington,PA15301
Phone: (724) 225-0303
Our resident gardening professional has over 50 years of experience in all aspects of gardening and growing. We offer hands on answers to your gardening questions. We can help you decide on what plants will do well in your growing area, so come out and see what a real greenhouse is all about; where the plants are started from seed and are nurtured to healthy specimens ready to grace your vegetable or flower gardens. We believe that our job is to provide you with the plants and advice to help you have a successful growing season.
May your gardens look beautiful, and your vegetables be abundant.
We would enjoy seeing the results of your planting; submit a photo of your garden to our email and we may publish it on our website. Stimmells.99@gmail.com
The kiss of the sun for pardon,
the song of the birds for mirth,
one is nearer to God's heart in a garden,
than anywhere else on earth.
Dorothy Gurney
50 Years and still Growing! 1974 -2024
We are a family owned business
committed to you and our community.